Saturday, January 31, 2009

What is Upsetting Me Now...

Ear buds. thats what!
I hate ear buds. For those of you who need clarification, ear buds are the ear phones that have little speakers that fit into the inside of your ear. They are the worst invention of all time. Ok. That might be an exaggeration - but they are awful. First off, the sounds quality for any ear buds under 70 dollars sucks. Unless you are listening to a podcast the music sounds awful. especially f you are listening to something with a lot of bass.
Second the things do not stay in your ear. If you are running, turning your head or anything else one of these things are bound to pop out of your ear. Would you put up with a shoe that wouldn't stay on your put if you were running in them. No, of course not.
But thats not my biggest beef with ear buds. My biggest beef is that they hurt like a mofo. Has anyone ever worn a pair of comfortable ear buds. Maybe - if you pay the 200 dollars to get custom ones that fit into your ear. Otherwise you are buying generic 30 dollar ear buds with horrible sounds quality that press against your ear (when they aren't falling out) and causing incredible pain. "Oh great my favorite song just came on my iPod; Too bad my right ear bud has fallen and the left one is so tightly engrained in my other ear that its bleeding."
Just awful.

Second, did you know that when you go sky diving the area to which you descend is called a "drop zone". Are you f'ing kidding me. Like its not scary enough to throw yourself out of a plane but you are telling me that i am hurdling towards something called the "drop zone." Why not just call it "the splatter area" or "the cemetery." Seriously. Call it something more palatable like the "landing zone" or the "safe zone", anything but the "drop zone."

Lastly. There is a new show on CBS. I am not sure if they showing replay but its on Saturday at 8pm. Its called GAME SHOW IN MY HEAD. rather than explain it just check out this four minute clip.

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