Thursday, January 8, 2009

Why is Boyz 2 Men so good?

I have been listening to the II album by Boyz 2 Men and it is a bona fide classic. First off, it s band with a number representing a word and a misspelled word. How hardcore is that!
The album has an a capella version of Yesterday (the most covered song of all time in case you don't know). As well as Water Runs Dry (a vastly underrated Boyz 2 Men song).
Lets not forget On Bended Knee. "Can we go back to the days our love was strong/can you tell me how a perfect love goes wrong/ cant somebody tell me how to get things back/the way they used to be/ Oh, God give me the reason/ I'm down on bended knee." I can hear the ladies screaming already.
To top it all off "I'll Make Love to You." Remember being 12 and feeling like that song was coming on the radio every ten minutes. Well it was; and rightfully so.

1 comment:

  1. my dad used to call them "boyz to munsterz" ill have to say it for was endearing

    they were my second concert, with TLC and Montel Jordan opening ("This is how weee dooo it").

    boyz 2 men: forever awesome
