Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Things I Don't Want To Know...

I was hanging out with a friend on Friday night and they shared this little tidbit with me. "1 out of every 4 people under the age of 78 dies from some form of cancer." The person threw out this statistic out of nowhere. We weren't talking about death or cancer. Dropping random factoids into conversations is what this person does. For example, did you know that pigeons and cats have the greatest genetic diversity among animals. Thats the type of off the wall info I get from this friend. But thats not exactly my point here. My point is that if you know something like that cancer stat - keep it to yourself!

Yes, I know its an interesting fact but no one wants to hear about how their going to die! You know why dogs are so happy? Because they don't realize that they only have 10-13 years to live. Its Friday night and people are having a good time. No need to be Dr. Death and have me start worrying about what form of cancer is going to kill me. I've said it once and I will say it again. There are just somethings I don't want to know. It's a curse to be smart. Having too much information/knowledge makes you, what I call, "hyper-aware". People who are too smart can't act without over thinking/analyzing everything. They can't relax. They are stress balls. Life is easier when you are dumb. If I want to know about causes of death I will look at a medical publication. Other than that, let me be unaware. As the old adage says, ignorance is bliss: especially when it comes to telling me how I am going to die.

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