Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Summer Is Here

Its official. I am officially considering today the start of summer. Why today you ask? Because it is 96 freaking degrees! and we haven't even hit the high of 98 yet. God do i hate the valley. Living in the valley is like deciding to live in the sweltering armpit of L.A. But this will be my 12th valley summer in the last 15 year so I am kind of used to it. 
What I am still not used to is my mother's philosophy about using the air conditioner. Just a quick bit of context here - my father is in the air conditioning business. The man loved having central air. My mother on the other hand treats the air conditioner like a necessary evil. 
I understand not turning it on if it only 80-85 degrees outside - i get that, i really do. but if its near, or over 90 my mother will say, "open the windows." It drives me nuts! There is no breeze during a summer in the valley. NONE. Worse then that, our house has an awkward rectangular shape that keeps this phantom air from flowing through the house. 
So what happens next? Well like on a day like today my mother will call and say something like, "mijo go ahead and put the air conditioner on just make sure to set it to 86 degrees." Not kidding. She just called to tell me that. She might has well have said, i heard the temperature is at 'torture' go ahead and set the air conditioner to 'uncomfortable'.
Well done mom, thats why I love you.

Game 6 tonight - think green, think defense, think championship, think Celtics!

1 comment:

  1. sorry champ but
    summer offically begins june 21, like it does every year

    you can't just be making decisions like that based on the temperature...

    maybe you should join me in redondo beach where it is an ocean breezy 79 degrees
