Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday The 13th and Tim Russert

Think that I am not aware it is Friday the 13th. I became very aware when i locked myself out of my car. Twice. After having the locksmith unlock the door I was told that I had to pay 125 dollars. I proceeded to close the door... with the keys still inside. The guy looked at me asked me if I wanted it opened I said, "yea, of course". He then proceeded to open the door again and said, "well that will be 250". I thought he was kidding. I was wrong. This ass actually charged me twice. I hate Friday the 13th.

On a really sad not though Tim Russert, host of Meet the Person and the Washington Bureau Chief for NBC died earlier today. To me Russert was always an honest, intelligent ad humble man who covered politics the way they should be. In an age of technology I will always remember him covering the 2000 Gore v Bush election and explaining the electoral vote breakdown, not with a computer, not with an onscreen graphic, nor with a crazy touch screen but with simple dry erase board. There was just something special about taking something so complicated and watching it being broken down in a very simple way with very simple tools. Just man's brain, a marker and a dry erase board. Tim Russert was only 58 years old.

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