Tuesday, June 15, 2010


This year (more specifically the last few months, has seen quite a number of "firsts" for me. For instance, it took me nearly 27 years for me to have my first grilled cheese sandwich. I gotta tell ya, it lived up to the hype. How could two pieces of bread and cheese taste so darn good. throw in a couple of chicken strips on the side and you have a meal fit for a five year old. Just two weeks ago I had another dining related first. My first trip to the Olive Garden. I couldn't believe the looks of shock and disgust I have gotten from my friends when I told them I had never been to Olive Garden. It was OK. Nothing to write home about (but worthy of an honorable mention here on the blog).

Which brings me to some other first. Six years ago I went on my first airplane trip. LA > SAC. I was definitely nervous. the thought of being a 21 year old with no traveling experience getting inside a metal and plastic tube and being hurdled through the year was enough to make me uneasy. But I served. During my stay in Sacramento I experienced another first. My first bagel. Yup I was 21 when I had my first bagel. A lot of people don;t believe me when I say this or they are incredulous with their response but you can't blame me. I come from a mexican family. We don't eat bagels. We have pan dulce or tortillas with everything. By the way we also have rice with just about every damn meal. We don;t need to introduce any more carbs into our diet.

I am usually "late to the dance" when it comes to doing things. For example, I was 21 when I got my drivers license.

Well, a week after turning 27 its fun to think of what other "delayed" firsts are headed my way.


  1. That grilled cheese thing makes me sad and happy all at the same time. Welcome Frankie, you have arrived.

  2. hahaha. I knew you would appreciate that one! (and that it would make you a little sad).
