Sunday, March 1, 2009

March Is Here...

So here are a few things:
1. March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' Birthday. Celebrate good time c'mon; lets celebrate. many of you know my fondness for Dr. Suess and his characters and stories. I know I know - he was for the internment of the Japanese but when you way all of his messages versus that one its clear that the man was more good than bad. So whether its grab a cat in a hat, one fish, two fish a red fish a blue fish, and dont be a grinch or hop on pop. He may not be my mother, but he is the good doctor.

2. Please check out this video. It is awesome. It is the best. I cant believe how awesome this announcer is. I need to start listening to Florida Panther's Hockey:

3. And speaking of vicious cats - Sigfreud and Roy have balls. The two performed live for a fundraiser but here is the boot they did a trick with the same Bengal Tiger that mauled Roy!!! What kind of cojones do you have to have to get back on stage with a beast that literally once went "for the jugular". Roy came out in black robes with a skull mask on (I dont know if I find that weird or fitting). In any case kudos to two men who's sexuality is constantly mocked for having the gusto to back on stage with a monster that almost killed them.

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