Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day Two...

I have come to a realization today. We are a society that doesn't talk much about the bathroom. I am staying in a hotel room with two other folks who I am close to. BUT - am I close enough to use the same restroom as them over a week? Without being to detail I think we know what I am getting at here. The work you do in the bathroom is something that can be embarrassing and it takes a special type of relationship to be yourself in a restroom. We all ask ourselves the same questions in these situations, what will people think if I take a long time in there?" or "Am I leaving hair in the sink?", "Does it smell in here?" It's a dilemma we all face but we never talk about. Interesting no?

Second, fellas is there anything more embarrassing than having to use a bathroom in large conference center or stadium? Its demeaning. The place smells awful. A raccoon would have too much dignity and class to eat off the ground. And then we get this weird trough thing that we have to piss into like animals. And even worse, today it wasn't a trough - it was separate urinals but no divider. What is the deal? Woman aren't forced to let their stuff hang in front of each other while using the restroom. Thats why they are the more dignified sex. President Obama, while you are fixing the economy and the healthcare system, look into fixing the men's restroom problem we have in this country.

Interviews are tomorrow. The next thirty six hours will more than likely determine the next twenty four months of my life. crazy!

p.s. is staking in California to watch the new and improved Dodgers a legit reason. let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. It is definitely a whole new level of friend to feel comfortable enough to do your business with others so close by. Yeah conference roomies. Go for it and then find out who your TRUE friends are...the ones who don't run down the fire escape. :)
