Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Food, Food and How To Stay Thin...

So just when you thought that this country was struggling economically people come along to show us that we are still a thriving nation. And how do they do that you may ask? By turning food consumption into a competition.

In a time when people can barely keep there home or put food on the table a minor league baseball club in Michigan has introduced a 4,800 calorie hamburger. The burger has five meat patties, five slices of cheese, a cup of chili, salsa and chips served on an bun that is 8 inches in diameter. This four pound beast will run you about 20 dollars. Its so big that you can ask it to be cut with a pizza slicer so that you and your friends can share it. If you eat the burger in one sitting you win a "special t-shirt." Does the t-shirt read: "I ate a four pound burger and all i got was this crappy t-shirt and a blocked artery?"

Or if you happen to be around the Renaissance Hotel this Sunday from 1 - 4 p.m. you can drop 40 bucks to see the 2009 Los Angeles Cupcake Challenge. People who pay the 40 dollars can eat mini cupcakes (how freaking small must a mini-cupcake be?) representing the 34 competition entries.

Now what if you want to eat this but not gain weight. Well, you can head to UC Berkley where scientist think they have found the gene that turns carbs into fat. Mice who had the gene removed and ate a low-fat/high carb diets are 40% thinner than mice who had the same diet but still had the gene.

Twenty dollar four pound burger, cupcake contests and mice who can eat all they want and stay thin. What a world we live in.

1 comment:

  1. Great post.

    If forced to choose one of these venues and participate, I pick cupcakes.
