Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dark Knight (no spoilers)

First off, if you haven't seen The Dark Knight. Go see it. It is probably the best done movie based on a comic ever. I think what seperates movies like The Dark Knight and say X-Men, Hulk and Iron Man is that a) Christopher Nolan has treated a comic book character with well deserved seriousness. That is not to say that others have not done a good job bringing a human element to comic book characters (see the first two X-Men).
But at the end of the day the characters seem more human because they are human. Superman is an alien, X-Men are mutants, Hulk is a green monster, Spiderman is a dude with radioactive blood. Batman is just a guy in a mask and cape. The Joker is just a madman in clown makeup. There are no inheret powers or overwhelming muscles. Just two men dueling it out. Vigilante versus villian and the question of good versus evil. Thats what allows Batman to translate into cinema the way other comic book films cannot.

If Heath Ledger man doesn't get an Oscar nod for what he did playing The Joker the Oscars will have lost credibility with me. Why So Serious? Because the man embodied The Joker character to a tee. If anything I left the theater blown away and saddened. Blown away by such as awesome performance and sadened that someone with such gifts and talents is no longer around to share them with us. There is no doubt that this movie would have made him a star. Instead, we will be left with the question, "what if...?"

p.s. Can someone please tell Christian Bale to cut off that God awful voice he uses in the Btman suit. Its so f'ing distracting. It really does a disservice to him and an utterly amazing movie.

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