Thursday, April 17, 2008


If you haven't heard Weezer's new single - well, you are missing out. I have been worried about the upcoming Red album and what it was going to sound like but if Pork and Beans is any indication the Red Album will sound AWESOME. The song sounds like something you would be more likely to hear off of the Green or Blue Albums and not Make Believe. Which is not to completely disregard Make believe but the Green and Blue album were so good (though very different albums musically).  In any case, I am excited about new Weezer and the single has not disappointed.

check out the single on the homepage:

Favorite Weezer albums in order:
1. Pinkerton
2. Blue Album
3. Green Album
4. Make Believe
5. Maladroit

1 comment:

  1. Our rankings are very similar.

    1. Maladroit
    2. Weezer (TGA)
    3. Make Believe
    4. Weezer (TBA)
    5. Pinkerton

    jk lolz, reverse order.

    Also, there's a song called "Troublemaker" on the new album. C.A.S.E.?

