Saturday, December 19, 2009

Dating Advice...

I was at Happy Hour last week with some co-workers and they got busy discussing who I should date. One thing stood out from their discussion. They decided that I needed to date a woman who would challenge me. Which got me thinking, is dating the only time people encourage you to try something difficult, uncomfortable and possibly disastrous?
I just bought a car last week and at no point did the salesman go, hey I know you want this car but I think you should go with this other car will be more challenging to drive and maintain. No one would ever say that. Do I have do date someone who's personality is going to clash with mine? Can;t I just date someone who I generally get along with? Just wondering.


  1. that is terrible advice

    those people are dumb

  2. Challenge you. I can kind of see where they are coming from. It should not be challenging though in any way. If someone just says yes to you all the time you will get bored or begin to hate them for not having a spine or mental capacity. I take it as a sign that you need someone with intelligence because you are intelligent. Think of it as a compliment.

    Sidenote - you got a new car?!
