Friday, October 23, 2009

Things You Cant Say To A Woman...

If any guy has ever had to deal with this senario even once they have had to deal with it one too many times.
A woman in your life asks you whether or not another woman is more attractive than she is.

Holy smokes! Here is why this is a horrible spot to be in. One, if the woman who asks you the question is more attractive than you sound like you are just telling her what you want to here. Example:
"No way. You are way prettier than she is."
"You're just saying that!"
A guy is left there to think, "well what the fuck? Do you want my opinion or not? If you were going to discredit my opinion why ask me?"

Then there are guys who (for some unknown reason) have the balls (coupled with the lack of brains) to tell a woman she is not as pretty as another female. Example:
"Is she prettier than me"
"Well, yea. I would say so"
At best the response will be her calling you an asshole and punching you. At worst she starts to cry, punching you and calls you an asshole. Either way you deserve the response. Fucking lie.

But the absolute worse thing you can do is hesitate in your response.
"Is she prettier than me"
pause..."ummm... well... I dont know...No, no way"
Your lady was already going to doubt your answer to begin with. You have done yourself no favors by turning what should be a simple response, into making it sound like you are doing long division in your head.

In any case, whenever faced with this question we, as men, are screwed! If we say no. Then we are going to be accused of lying or just trying to make them feel better. If we say yes we are assholes. If we hesitate we are untrustworthy assholes. If you happen to have a cyanide pill when a woman asks you this question just chomp down on it. You will be better off.

p.s. Ladies what with the weird dress and pant sizes? With guys its very clear. Sizes are tied to inches. We have no fucking way to decipher the difference between a woman who is size 4 or size 8? Size 10, 12, 14??? Its like the metric system of clothing you people got going on here. On behalf on all men" we are confused someone explain this to us.

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