Sunday, May 24, 2009

Jon and Kate Plus 8...

Is this what we have become as a society. There was a time in this country were The President (the freaking President) could have an affair with the most famous actress in Hollywood and no one would say anything and nobody knew anything. Now people on a reality show on a second tier cable channel are being scrutinized and followed on CNN. Unbelievable. What Jon and Kate are, or aren't, doing is nobody's business. Yes its sad, but its not news. Why is it on the cover of magazines and news websites. This insane. When did cheating on your significant other become news? More importantly when did cheating between two people on the TLC channel become news?
What makes me more upset than anything are the "journalists" on these shows who say "oh this must be so devastating for the children." Hey A-hole!!! Guess what? You aren't making it any easier on this family. You think that you are making this easier on the kids by hounding them, chasing their parents around and putting this whole traumatic thing on television??? And same goes for all the dummies buying all these magazines and watching these shows which only vindicates what these losers do for a living. By buying into all this nonsense you legitimize what these people are doing to this family.On another note, why is it called TLC? TLC is supposed to stand for "The Learning Channel". Where is the learning? Its a bunch of shows about what to wear, people baking cakes and families with litters of kids. I see absolutely nothing of educational value. TLC its time for a name change.

David and Raech, thanks for joining...

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