Thursday, October 23, 2008

This Just In: Hell Just Froze Over...

So, hell just froze over but the good news its not the perfect temperature for your free Dr. Pepper.
Let me explain.
In 1994 Axel Rose, lead singers of Guns N' Roses announced that the band was working on a new album named Chinese Democracy, 14 years, a few dozen lawsuits, three guitarist and approximately 30 million dollars Chinese Democracy has arrived. The story behind the album delays and vary. Let me just go over some of the highlights:

1995 - The entire band basically quits calling Axel a "dictator"
Axel replaces old band
1998 - Geffen records pays Axel 1 million dollars with the promise of another million if he completes the album within a year (how do you think that went?)
2001 - Axel Rose plays their first gig in over 7 years
Guns has played a series of shows over the last seven years but they have also cancelled over a dozen other shows. The canceled shows, more accurately "no-shows" have led to riots. As a side note, GNR fans dont deserve the right to riot. If you are still following a band that has jerked you areound fro 14 FREAKIN' years and you are schoked that they stiffed you - well, that makes you a moron.
2002 - GNR does a God-awful medley at the 2002 VMAs.
2003- The Offspring claim there next album will be called "Chinese Democracy (You Snooze, You Lose)
2004 - The joke: China will be a democracy before Chinese Democracy comes out" starts to get old. It gets funny again in 2006.
2008- Dr. Pepper announces that everyone in America except for Slash and Buckethead (former GNR guitarist will get a free Dr. Pepper is Chinese Democaracy is released in 2008. (side note: GNR's current guitarist is Bumblefoot - no I am not kidding. What the hell, can they not get a guitarist with a regular name. Slash who has a cigarette permanently in betwen his lips, alwasy wears sungless and a freaking top-hat over his long curly hair and then bucket head who wore a mask and an actual KFC bucket on his head. Weird simply wierd!)
This past Wendesday "Chinese Democracy" the single is released and the album released date is set for late November.
In between all of this Geffen records and Interscope coughed up 13 - 30 million dollars to make the album. Everyone was afraid they would be the guy known for telling Axel "no" and leading him to hand over Chinese Democracy to another record compnay.
During this time Axel also got horrible plastic surgery. Horrible!

The Profound and The Profane...

1 a: having intellectual depth and insight b: difficult to fathom or understand
2 a: extending far below the surface b: coming from, reaching to, or situated at a depth : deep-seated
3 a: characterized by intensity of feeling or quality.

1 : to treat (something sacred) with abuse, irreverence, or contempt : desecrate
2 : to debase by a wrong, unworthy, or vulgar use

Within each one of us lies the profound and the profane. When we take a look at ourselves its often hard to come to grips with the fact, or even acknowledge, that those things that we are most proud of live side by side with those things that are our vices and greatest shames. We have the ability to be both loving and hurtful and we do both. We can be thoughtful and intelligent and at other times irrational and stupid.

Thats why I love examining peoples behavior. We are so evolved, so gifted and so complex. Just look at the way we treat each other, or how we can believe in one thing but act in a way that contradicts our beliefs and our values. Only by examining ourselves and realizing the good and the bad we capable of can we really being to bring peace to ourselves and begin to act in ways that will not only make us happier but hopefully make those around us happier.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

We Need To Talk...

We've all been there. Having to break bad news. Sometimes its hard because we love the person and we don't want to hurt them. Sometimes its because we are embarrassed. Whatever the case maybe we have always been told... don't break bad news over the phone.
But no one ever said dont do it over e-mail.

At least that is the motto of inSpot, an internet based service that allows you to send e-cards to past and present lovers to let them know that you have recently been diagnosed with an STD.In the past four years nearly 50,000 of these types of e-cards have been sent. I know some people will say that this is a good way to get the news out that avoids embarrassment or awkwardness and that if people are more likely to share this type of news using this option then it will lead tomore testing and awareness... but c'mon. If you give me the clap I think I at least deserve to hear it over the phone so I can berate you!

And by the way, that is never the type of e-card you want. Usually its a birthday card or some type of invitation. Well the only thing your getting invited to hear is to get your junk checked. There is no way your day is gonna turn around after receiving that e-vite! It's bad enough I get email asking me to sign up for poor, or if I want to be "enhanced" now I can receive email tell me I have herpes.
I wonder what type of emoticon (happy face) an email like that uses? hmmm...

quote of the night:

"It seems to me that if a gun can protect something as important as a bar it's good enough to protect my family"

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

One of my favorite Simpsons videos

Wow. it has been a super long time since i have posted. I will post again thursday night. While you wait check out this classic Simpsons moment: