Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Thinking A Lot...

Over the last week I have been thinking a lot. Which for me isn't always a good thing. Sometimes I wonder if we are fighting the good fight or if we are just like Sisyphus - forever pushing a rock up a mountain, getting to the top and then watching it tumble back to the bottom. Its hard to be hopeful sometimes. Its hard to see good people struggle and wonder if the odds are just too stacked against them. My philosophy in life is always to put your head down, drop your shoulder and keep moving forward. This philosophy is an illusion to football. In football a running back without much speed, faced with running into a piles of 300 lbs. men is advised to put there head down, drop their should and keep moving forward.
For me its a beautiful thing. The idea of having obstacles and challenges stacked in front of you - but inspite of it you brace yourself and throw yourself head long into those challenges and obstacles. I have always liked that philosophy of dealing with adversity - its very much a Charlie Brown way of living. Keep trying in spite of past failures and the possibility of more to come. But when I see people I love struggle and on the verge of losing everything they have ever worked for it makes me wonder if the game is rigged.
I wonder if its not a pile of football players that we are running into but rather a brick wall! What if the light at the end of the tunnel is a train? It scares me to think that it might be the case. But I have been moving forward for to long now to give up. I guess its time for me and those around me to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and make a few more runs towards that pile and see if we cn break through.

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