I’m funny
I’m smart
I love sports
I’m full of random useless facts
Alison by Elvis Costello is my favorite song
I suffer fools but that doesn’t mean I like it
I enjoy random weird quotes
I like stability and routine
It's easier for me to be melancholy than happy
I never thought I’d like exercising but now I do it regularly
I’ve gotten used to going to the movies alone
I’ve driven across country by myself
I think it’s important to tell people how much you care about that at random times
I’m learning to be more selfish
The two things I think is true of all the people I consider my friends is that I trust them and I don’t ever question their motives.
I’m petty
I have a good memory about almost everything, but slights and negative memories are always more vivid and clear
I can hold a grudge
I’m not good with directions
I like being a designated driver
For most of my life it was always easy to forgive
Recently I find it much harder to forgive
I like compliments but I don’t chase them
I think it’s important to ask follow up questions if you really want to know how someone is doing
My heart isn’t as full as it used to be
I like to go for a long walk on my birthday
My birthdays always tend to be really good or god awful - with very few in between.
When i hear that quote about how it takes more muscles to frown than to smile I think to myself, 'happy people are lazy.'
I like buying things for others
I always hold out hope that people will be good, but It’s easier for me to see and believe that we are all flawed and selfish
I think the words we choose are important - so be careful what you say. I’ll be sure to remember them.
I believe that your words don’t matter if they aren’t consistent with your actions.
I am willing to meet someone halfway.
I’m embarrassed by my the name of my email address
I remember using AIM in college
I think we are all hypocrites - it’s just important to realize it and try to be less of one
I believe that sometimes it’s important to judge your friends. As long as your judging them to their face.
I don’t think it’s easy to say your sorry.
I am great at being passive aggressive
When i hear the phrase “cut your nose off to spite your face” i don’t hear it as a warning. I hear a piece of advice.
I am wary of zealots.
I cry a lot
I don’t watch as many cartoons as people might think.
I’ve gotten a lot of my life advice from The Simpsons
I don’t like new situations
i like the idea of options even though I tend to stick to what I know.
i like to be liked - even though sometimes I don’t think I deserve it.
I think that most people’s understanding of me is a caricature.
I like to reflect and analyze.
When I was young I wanted to be an archeologist.
A TV and the 2001 World Series dramatically changed the course of my life.
When I was young I loved reading books about dinosaurs and Sitting Bull.
I like when people do the little things that show they’ve been listening and paying attention.
I don’t want to die along but I think I am emotionally prepared for it.
I like the saying: “God takes care of old folks and fools”.
I try not to get excited about anything because it help me avoid disappointment.
I don’t like the way my feet smell after a long run
I’m prone to jealousy
I love Otis Redding
I like the idea of reading much more than the actual act of reading
I like to draw
I almost don’t draw at all anymore
I used to be much more creative
I eat the sausage on my pizza last along with the crust
I’ve used Nair on my back hair
I’ve run a half marathon
Wrestling was a huge part of my childhood and will probably always be important to me.
I often wonder if I’ll be happy the next time the Dodgers win the World Series or if I’ll be relieved.
I don’t know if I’ve felt “at home” somewhere in a very long time.