Monday, February 3, 2014

Congratulations to Seattle

Seattle has had been one of the most unlucky fan basis of the last twenty five years. First, The Seattle Seahwaks nearly moved to Los Angeles. The team was saved only after current owner Paul Allen was basically shamed into buying the team in order to keep the move from happening. Allen is a huge basketball fan, but not really a big football fan, but given the former Microsoft founders huge pocketbook and Washington ties he relented and bought the team. Eventually a referendum passes that also set the stage for a new stadium. 

Ok, so a billionaire saves the team and new stadium is built. That's not that bad at all. "I am not convinced that Seattle is a tortured sports city." you say. "Give me more proof!"

Well, here is the bad. The team is terrible. Between 1985 and 2011 the teams record was a dismal 179 wins and 188 losses.

The team was so bad that when the new stadium was built and no one would buy the naming rights for the stadium. Want a comparison? There is no football team in Los Angeles, there isn't even a stadium for them to play in; but if and when a stadium is built in downtown LA, State Farm has agreed to pay 700 million dollars to have the stadium named after it for the next 30 years

But on the brightside, the stadium eventually gets a naming sponsor and the team gets good. Really good. They make the Super Bowl in 2005. Then this happens. Some questionable officiating calls cost the Seahawks, atlas in the minds of their fans, a Super bowl victory.

So many Seattle fans feel like they had a Super Bowl taken away from them. What happens next, what could be worse you ask? They have a team taken away.

In 2008 The Seattle Supersonics move to Oklahoma City and become The Thunder. This was a tough pill for Seattle to swallow. Usually if a team leaves a city for another they leave to go to a bigger market. They leave for a bigger name city with more money. Teams usually leave to go to a city with a bigger media market. In this instance the team downgraded (best case scenario laterally moved) to Oklahoma City!  

But before they leave for OKC...

That's right, The Supersonics draft Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook. Durant is one of the top 2 players in the NBA and Westbrook is one of the 10 best players in the game. 

Just four years after leaving Seattle, the Zombie Sonics went to the NBA Finals and look poised to return this year.  

So you have a mediocre football team, no one wants to put your name on the stadium, your beloved basketball teams gets relocated to a city that is smaller and less marketable than yours. But it's OK Seattle fans. Last night made everything OK again. 60 minutes of domination and your team made all the bad memories go away. Your city is now home to a major sports team champion for the first time since 1979. And your win gives others a reason to hope. That's right Cleveland, one day it'll be your time to shine. One day.

Still not convinced you should be happy for Seattle fans? Check out these videos below.

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