Monday, January 20, 2014

My Monday

What I Did Today

8:15 am. Woke up and looked at my phone. Checked Twitter, Facebook and email. 

8:33 am. Watched some Grantland Channel videos on Youtube.

8:45 am. Watched highlight videos from last night’s 49ers and Seahawks football game. Side note - The NFL Mobile app is a pain the ass to sign into and you can’t watch video if you don’t allow access to your location. I find this strange/annoying and will probably delete the app this week.

9:02 am. Still in bed and bored. I set an alarm for 11:08am. I like to set alarm times where the minute isn’t a 5 or a 0, seems too predictable. Set the alarm and put my phone on airplane mode.

Wake up before the alarm and just lie in bed staring at the ceiling.

11:08 am. Alarm goes off and I turn it off. I get up and decide to go for a run instead of washing dishes and doing laundry. I stretch and try to figure out if i need to put on a long sleeve shirt. i put a band-aid on my right nipple to keep it from being rubbed raw and bleeding. I normally don’t have to do this except if I’m running more than 3 and half miles. I’ve decided to aim for five today so it’s necessary. I also decide to take out the trash and sweep the floor before going out

12:12pm. I start my run.

1:07pm. I finish with my run. I made it 5.08 miles. The last song that played was A$AP Rocky’s Fuckin’ Problems. I am not a big fan of using the $ instead of an S. However, the beginning of Kendirck lamar’s verse was a nice way to end the run.

Hold up
This the finale
My pep talk 
Turned into a pep rally

I do some core exercise before jumping in the shower. 

Approx. 1:45pm I check my phone and notice a Bleacher Report update titled 15 Greatest Crowd Reactions in Pro Wrestling history. It makes me remember that part of the beauty of wrestling is that moment where something unexpected happens or the build up to something is so good that when it  finally happens, it makes people go nuts. I remember being 9 years old and being stunned at the crowd reaction at Wembley stadium when the The British Bulldog beat Bret Hart for the intercontinental title. For the uninitiated the fact that these two were real life brother in laws was used in the story line. I still love watching the fan reaction.

2:34pm. I make ham and egg sandwiches for breakfast/lunch. 
approx. 3:01pm I go into my laundry room and separate clothes that need to be washed and start a load of laundry. 

3:12pm. I take out the trash.

3:15pm. I go on to figure out the likelihood of the celtics getting a top 5 draft pick this year and where their second pick in the first round (either Brooklyn or Atlanta’s pick) might end up. I come to the conclusion that it may end up being somewhere between 18 and 22 barring a total collapse by both teams.

3:24. I look to check movie times and see that Anchorman 2 starts in 20 minutes. I contemplate it for about 2 minutes and then decide against it. I haven’t seen it to this point so it’s not going to kill me to not see it now. If I do a good enough job not wasting money this week maybe I’ll see it Thursday or use the money to buy Enough Said on Apple TV for next Sunday.

3:37 I decided to go back to bed. I set an alarm for 5:06pm and put my ringer on silent.

3:38pm i start thinking about how many good movies there where this year and how the academy decided to nominate 9 movies for best picture. (the maximum is ten and the minimum is five). Then I started thinking about how this is the first year where there are sooooo many potential winners in each acting category.

4:44 pm. I wake up  but decide to lay in bed. I notice how gray and silent my bedroom is. I do the math and realize that it’s been about 26 hours since I last spoke to someone and it’s been 46 hours since the last time I’ve talked to someone outside of work.

4:52 pm. I wonder why people cut themselves. I’ve been told before that their is some kind of emotional release or euphoria associated with it. Then I think I’ll get up and check when the alarm goes off.

4:55pm. I start thinking about how good Johnny Cash’s version of Hurt is. I recall that after not talking to each other for about four to five months, I got a call (in the middle of the night) from a friend (after they had been drinking with mutual friends). I still remember how i could hear Hurt playing in the background. The call went to voicemail.

5:06pm. the alarm goes off. I get up and put on my robe. I get my laptop and start searching cutting.

5:13pm. I start writing this.

6:10pm. I finish. Not a very exciting day.

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