Traveling on an airplane is the opposite of riding a school bus. Forget about the obvious difference that one is flying and one is driving. Think about the following:
On a bus there aren't even seatbelts. On an airplane you are consistently beaten about the head about safety measures. You are reminded what to do in case of water landings, if air pressure becomes low. Chimes consistency remind you to sit down and buckle in.
On a school bus there is nothing but energy. Kids are practically standing on the seats shouting and yelling across the bus. No one is every trying to sleep on a school bus. Hell, with all the noise from the kids I often wondered how a school bus driver could concentrate long enough to keep the thing on the road. A flight is the complete opposite. There is zero energy. People pay 9 dollars for a drink in hopes of being drunk enough to fall asleep on the plane. And even if you don't fall asleep no one talks anyone. People barely make eye contact with one another.

No two forms of transportation could be as disparate as a school bus and a commercial airplane.
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