Monday, October 5, 2009

Lady Gaga and Iowa Loves the Gays...

I saw Lady GaGa's second performance on Saturday Night Live. At first I was confused. The whole get-up she was wearing was distracting. Well about a minute or so in she went into a medoly of her hits BUT she did it without pre-recorded music. She went and played a piano and let her talent speak for itself something that most pop-stars cant do (Britney Spears anyone). Was she an overwhelming talent as musician or singer, no - not really. But the fact that she would even allow herself to be so vulnerable and stripped down proved to me that she has guts. Todays pop stars are often media creations who are unable to sing and build their career on theatrics. It was nice to see someone say, "hey, I am actually have some discernible talent and can don't have to rely on choreography and lip-syching."

Here is the clip for those who haven't seen it:

Also, how sad is it that IOWA, yes Iowa - as in Field of Dreams Iowa, is more progressive than California. How progressive you ask? Well this weekend were "gay days" at Disneyland which I think is a weird promotion for two reasons. First, Disneyland is the happiest - and hence gayest place on earth. Second, I only know one gay person who doesn't like Disneyland. I digress, the Iowa Board of Tourism was at Disneyland for Gay Days recruiting gay folks to come to Iowa and get married. I never thought I would live in a world were Iowa would be more progressive than California. Forget San Francisco or We Ho say hello to Iowa City and Des Moines. Wave Goodbye to the Castro and say hello to the open embrace of fields and fields of corn.

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