Sunday, May 10, 2009

Some Random Observations...

Alumni license plates. Heres the thing. Its great to rep your school with a sticker logo of your alma mater or the traditional alumni license plates. But please think twice about putting them on a crappy car. Are you really showing your school "love" by associating them with a 91 Toyota Trecel hatchback. Don't rock the alumni gear on your car unless you are driving a semi-decent car. Otherwise people will just start to associate your school with a crappy degree that leads to a crappy job that leads to a crappy car.

Futons. Futons are great - for the first three months. After that they are worn out and all your left with is a the world worst couch/a crappy bed. There are only a few places you should see a futon. A fraternity house, a dorm room or a guy's studio apartment (ladies - your above the futon, you have more class than us fellas).

Graduation Regalia. This country is known for rejecting traditions that demean human dignity (slavery for example). Yet we continue the stupid tradition of the cap and gown for graduation. I will be graduating this Friday and that means that I will end my academic career by looking like an idiot. Seriously. My masters robe looks like the thing worn by the killer in SCREAM. Its just silly looking. Its embarrassing and dehumanizing to ask a bunch of educated people, who just dropped a massive dime to go to school, to rent a stupid looking gown. I know its tradition but its a stupid one. Let us wear something formal. Or - in order to avoid the annoying families in the audience trying to pick their kid out of the crowd, like so many eight year olds trying to find Waldo, let us rock jerseys with our last names on the back. That would be cool. and we could rock a special patch with our graduating year and the program we are graduating from. How much cooler would that be?


  1. you're


    think about it

    congrats master!

  2. OH YAY! Congratulations! I'm so proud of you and totally with you on the gowns and especially the head gear. I think it's just another ploy for them to make money off of us - like a final slap on the ass before we enter the world with a bag of debt.
