Sometimes people say things that just dont make sense or just prove their stupiditiy. I am not talking about mistakes, flubbing a word. I am talking about people who think they are making a point or say things that are just plain nonsense of dumb. Examples:
Yesterday I went to Chipotle and the woman behind me asked for a Burrito Bowl (note: for those who do not know a burrito bowl is a burrito minus the tortilla). So she goes down the line and adds everything to the bowl. Then at the end right before she is about to play she asks, "can I get a tortilla on ths side".
Are you kidding me! You have to be!
You just ordered a burrito! Why the hell did you do through the process of ordering and having someone make a burrito bowl when you are going to ask for the one item whos absense makes a burrito bowl a burrito bowl. Based on this one moment alone I am positive this woman should not have children
Now on to the next type of moron. Someone who makes a declerative statement but does not see the obvious irony of said statement.
I went to the comic con this past Friday and while trying to navigate my way through the pressing flesh of the exhibit hall a number of families with kids aged 6-9 walked by and stopped traffic for just a bit. No big deal. Except for the guy behind me apparently.
"Uh look at the kids. Oh, more of them. Is this really somewhere you should bring your kids?" He muttered underneath his breath.
Actually, it is you loser. Comics, cartoons and dressing up like a fictional character is for kids. Just because 100,000 plus adult dorks converge on one space doesnt change the fact that stuff like Batman, Spider-Man - hell comics in general - are supposed to be for kids.
Which brings me to my next point. Its great that comics are being seen more and more as an adult art or medium. But what happens a generation from now when there are NO kids who grew up reading comic books. Has anyone been to a comic book store lately. You will not find a single child in there. Its all a bunch of pasty, akward 30 or 40 somethings. Its great to have comic books and comic book movies made for adults - but we cannot forget who these things SHOULD be for - kids. If comic book companies forget that where will they find the next genration of past, socialy akward males who will buy their comics?
While everyone will remember Dark Knight I think the most important comic movie this year will be IRON MAN because it was a well made comic movie that was for adult BUT also for kids.