1. MTV - Can we please just change the name of this channel to BRTV (Bad Reality TV). I am pretty sure you can track the dumbing down of society to MTV. Remember when The Real World is a social experiment that was at best enlightening and at worst interesting. Now its a bunch of 20 somethings getting drunk and yelling at one another.
Oh and if you think I am being hard on MTV considering my last post - get over it! This is a channel called music television that doesn't lay music. Too bad they didnt stop before they also killed music by valuing style over substance. How I hate MTV
2. TMZ -first off, what the hell does TMZ stand for? seriously. Second, where do these people get off. They are like a bunch of gossipy high school brats who try to think that they are cooler than the high school kids they run smack about but in reality they themselves are worthless wastes of space who would hve noting going for them if it wasnt for the people they talk about and mock all day. Seriously, i am tired of these people and their holier than thou, condescending attitude. Who in the hell do you think you are. You chase celebrities - and I use that term loosely - around all day. If there is a wretched of the earth, than certainly these people are the scum of the earth.
I'll have a new post up on Friday about a conversation I had with Japan (pretty cool) and more. stay tuned now that school is over the updates will becoming fast and furious (sort of).