I figured i just collect some of the best jokes I've made and heard:
Well duh he's going to say his "fake girlfriend died. " he's going pro, first round. Bitches be gathering!!!
@Beanpole_brian: If Manti becomes sponsored by Match.com after all this, I cry foul
I am 10% nervous that Lane Kiffin may somehow be involved in this.
@SethMyers: These Te'o jokes are all very funny but let's all try and remember that a person who never existed is dead.
If you having girl problems I feel bad for you son Manti Teo has 99 problems but a girl ain't one. - Jadeveon Clowny*
*p.s. this is the biggest smack down Jadeveon has made on a fellow football player since this:
@jerkstoremike Karl Rove is reporting that Manti Te'o's girlfriend still might be real.
Not only did Greg McElroy win the national championship but his girlfriend is real!
@MichelleDBeadle Let all of you who haven't made up a lover be the ones to cast stones. Have you met my boyfriend, Mike? He's an astronaut.