Just a quick thought. What should I be more concerned about:
1. That it seems like 1/3 of all of MTV's programming centers around teen pregnancy or,
2. That there are enough pregnant teens in this country to account for 1/3 of MTV's programming?
I mean this is crazy right? It's MTV - MUSIC TELEVISION!
Can you imagine if you went back in time to 1990 and told somebody, "hey you know MTV? Well in twenty years you won't be able to watch music videos on there because they will be too busy showing TV shows about pregnant 16 years and 20 year olds who are constantly drinking, sleeping with each other and getting into fights."
Here is the strange thing about MTV. They are largely responsible for creating a generation of short attention spanned, attention hungry derelicts and now their programming consists of them filming said derelicts and showing them off to a new generation of future blights on society. MTV is the entertainment version of a snake eating it's own tail.
Seriously MTV, stop with the pregnant teen programming. It's depressing and scummy...even for you.