Friday, February 29, 2008

People Who Suck...

There are lots of people who suck but because I don't have a lot of time I will quickly mention two:

First, people who try to get into the elevator while other people are trying to get out. Hey A-hole! I can't leave if you are blocking the exit. Wait your freaking turn and let me out of the elevator and THEN you can go in. How freaking rude are these douche bags? Seriously, in the future pay attention to the person who waits for the elevator by standing three inches from the elevator doors. They don't even bother thinking that someone might actually be in the damn thing when it arrives. And sure enough the doors open and boom, the people in the elevator can't get out and the douche can't get in. Shouldn't these morons have realized instantly, "Oh wow. I am jerk. I should take a couple of steps back and let these people out." But they don't they just stand there like they expect the person in the elevator to liquify like some type of terminator and slither out of the elevator so their dumb-ass can get in. Uggghh. these people need to be dragged out onto the street and shot. 
Second, people who scream while taking a picture. Do these people open up comic books and think they are photo albums? Its a goddamn camera not a video recorder. You are just gonna end up with squinty little eyes and your mouth wide open looking like a moron. What worse is they are already probably posing in a large group with other morons who are screaming. Nothing like a bunch of dufuses posing for a picture screaming to say, "look at me, I am going to procreate and there is nothing you can do about it!"

Thats all for now folks. 7 more days until Boston.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Blogging in Boston

Hey folks. Just a reminder that I wil be in Boston starting March 7th and I will be posting updates everyday! Get excited as I am unleashed on the Big Apple. excuse me I am being told that is New York.
Well, in any case I plan on having a ball in the Windy City.
Seriously, thats Chicago?
Well then what the hell is Boston?
Bean-town? Really? Why?
That makes no freaking sense. Should it be the land that a million drunk Irishmen built?
In any case I will be giving you the play by play from Boston and I make you this promise. In keeping with Boston tradition I will make sure that I replace most of my 'r's with long drawn out 'a's. So get ready to paaak youself in front of ya computaaa and enjoy frankie's blog.

p.s. if anyone wants a Patriots 19-0 Super Bowl Champions t-shirt I can probably get one for you for about 2 dollars. let me know.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Oscar picks and Johnny Knoxville...

So here are the picks:
Best Original Screenplay: Juno - Diablo Cody (thought it could be close between her and the guy who wrote The Savages)
Best Actress: the woman from - AWAY FROM ME (even though I will be rooting for Ellen Page of JUNO)
Best Actor: Daniel Day Lewis - There Will Be Blood
Best Director - The Cohen Brothers (No Country For Old Men)
Best Picture - No Country For Old Men

Also, this just in case people didnt hear about this the worst injury in the history of Jackass occurred last week. Johnny Knoxville tore his urethra!!! Seriously folks. Apparently, he was trying to learn how to a backflip on a motorcycle and tore his urethra. I wince every time i think about it. and if you aren't here is the pic of what his ant looked like afterwards.

p.s. so for the delay in posts. they will be more regular in the coming days.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Laughter is Like Daggers...

I live right next to a student's room and I can hear what is going on in the room (usually regardless of noise level). Well usually it's fine - except for right now. One of the women is constantly laughing this weekend!!! She has laughed four times since i started right this blog a minute ago. Ooops - make it 5 now! Seriously, it is so annoying to hear her giggling and her laughter. I can almost hear the smile stretching across her face. But what am I supposed to about it? As the Director of the residence hall should I really knock on her door and say, "hey can you stop being so goddamn happy?"Probably a bad idea. It's not like she is drinking or being overtly obnoxious by playing horrible techno music (which is what her roommate does). Well, it's up to seven now. Sorry everyone - just needed to vent. Maybe it says something about me that other people's laughter can annoy me.

p.s. courtsey of Amber:

and Joaquin keep reading (trust me there are way more then 5 of you who check this thing).

Saturday, February 16, 2008

I'm Calling It, Friend-o.

Javier Bardem will win an Oscar. If you haven;t seen it watch NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN. amazing.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day Songs

I have been thinking about it all day and here are my favorites:

Ramones: Baby I Love You
Beatles: The Long and Winding Road
Otis Redding:  For Your Precious Love
The Police: Fields of Goal
Fred Astaire: The Way You Look Tonight.

also, on valentine's day make sure that you bring a gun - 'cause love is a battlefield. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I Love Boxers

So I left work at SJACS (Student Judicial Affairs and Community Standards) today and headed over to the Student Union to work with some IT folks on helping to redesign our website. On the walk back from there I caught the back of a lady and the dog she was walking. I could tell by the dog's coat and strut that it was a Boxer. 
Boxers are my FAVORITE dogs. I had a boxer growing up (Chata) and she was the best dog ever. She was fun and playful. She used to play with our pet rabbits (before our dad killed them and fed them to us without me or my brother knowing). Chata even thought she was a rabbit. She would jump like our rabbits when she played with them. Chata was a also a great mom. She took great care of her babies. Even when the runt of the litter passed away Chata was still protective trying to keep us from taking the pup away from her. 
Anyway, I saw the dog and caught up to it and the lady. I asked how old the dog was and started petting it. I was so happy. I felt like a little kid again. It really made me want a boxer. They are so ugly they are cute. They are just laid back dogs. They are medium sized, they love to play. They are good around kids. Boxers are the best. look at those mugs and tell me they aren't cute!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sopranos and new iPod

I just caught a Sopranos re-run on A&E and I remembered how good that show was. Amazing. I got to start watching those DVDs again. Also, I bought a new iPod touch. It's pretty good. Only problem:
it wont connect to USC's wireless. I need to find out if this is going to continue being a problem. If I cant connect I m going to return it. There is no point in paying for a bunch of crap I can't use (the internet and e-mail specifically).

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Calories in Water!!!???

Ok, so I just saw a commercial by Propel (which is made by Gatordae by the way) which touts that their "water" only has 25 calories. As opposed to Vitamin "Water" which has 150 - 200 calories.

Ok, seriously folks, last time I freakin' checked WATER DOESNT HAVE ANY CALORIES!!! if you are trying to sell me water that contains caloric content - guess what? YOU ARENT SELLING ME WATER. This is the only country on earth that can somehow manage to ruin water. Water used to be free. You could get it from a graden hose. Even if you were locked out of your house you could still have a drink of water. Now water is bottled and costs a 1.50 for 20 oz. AND NOW PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO CONVINVE ME THAT THERE IS WATER THAT CONTAINS CALORIES. ridiculous. Stop calling this stuff water.

This reminds me of soy milk. It's not milk. If it doesnt come from a cows tit then it's not milk!!! If you are lactose intolerant and you are drinking soy "milk" guess what? You aren't drinking milk. You are still freaking lactose intolerant and you still cant drink milk. You are drinking some crazy concoction that comes from a bean. Stop putting soy milk next to the milk that comes from cows it causing my milk to have a goddamn identity crisis. Cut it out people. Stop inventing crazy things and saying they are something their not.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Bleh... Everything Sucks...

I'm over it. I hate being in res life. I hate being surrounded bey ungrateful, irresponsible petty 18 year olds. I've had. I don't have the energy or the patience. I want to quit this job and keep my job as a judicial officer (which i actually do like). But if I did that means I would have to drop out of school. And I am seriously starting to consider that too.
I am sick of 12-14 hour days. I am sick of starting each day at nine in the morning and not finishing until 9 in the evening...and then having to study, write a paper or work on stuff. I am tired of having no support. I am tired of feeling like I am dealing with the same crap over and over. I am tired of having to work two jobs and still worry about shit like summer financial aid and the FASFA for aid in the fall. I'm tired of being in classes with people and wondering how the hell we are in the same program I'm tired of feeling like nothing ever gets accomplished. I just feel beaten down. What is the point. Seriously. I'm tired of it all.
If i quit now, I would only be marginally more in debt now than I was when I started here. It wouldnt be that big of a deal. I could just cut ties and be done with it and try something normal.
I hate my job. I made the wrong decision coming here. Maybe I made the wrong decision picking a career.
I need to go to bed.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Giants Win

I cant believe that my favorite cartoon neighboor actually predicted the outcome of the superbowl (2 months ago!!!) If you want proof check out my first ever post. Well here he is celebrating.

Friday, February 1, 2008

For What Its Worth...

Somethings I learned this week. In canada pornography is placed in black plastic bags in order to keep from embarrassing the purchaser.

In Canada chinese food is not put in the traditional red and white boxes that we are used to here in the U.S. Instead chinese food is served in aluminum tin plates. with plastic see through covers.

Sea Sheppard is the bad ass of the environmental world. They are group that uses violent tactics in order to stop whaling. They ram their boats into whaling boats with the sole intent of sinking or damaging ships. They through gas filled canisters onto whaling ships. These folks are Hell’s Angels of environmentalism.

If you talk to anyone who watches Futurama regularly they will agree that Jurrasic Bark maybe the saddest television episode of ALL TIME!

If you are looking for a good laugh. Here is Dave Chapelle’s For What Its Worth (full video- and download (good quality)